Wynter Yemaya Wilson Born August 30th 2017


My daughter was born August 30th 2017 at 10:39am πŸ’žβœ¨πŸ¦„πŸ‘ΈπŸ½πŸ’•

I started getting contractions on the 27th they started off short and far apart, and over the next two days they got more intense and closer together. I had a doctors appointment on the 29 in the morning doctor check I was not effaced nor dilated AT ALL, he checked the fetal monitor for baby's heart rate and to track my contractions and it showed that I was definitely getting some "small" contractions lol. I swear the felt so bad but doctor said they were just small ones lol.. so when I got home and as the day went by the contractions got stronger and closer together and at 12am my water broke! I went in to the hospital they checked me out and I was dilated to 2cm. I got the epidural because I myself could not take the pain lol πŸ™…πŸ½πŸ™…πŸ½πŸ™…πŸ½. By the time 10am hit I was fully effaced and fully dilated it was time to push!! I pushed her out in 8 pushes witching 3 contractions in less than 15 minutes. Delivery was a breeze seeming that I was pretty much numb from the waist down lol. She came out so fast when they handed her to me it started me a little because I didn't expect her to come that fast lol. Reality hit really quick! There's my baby! She was so beautiful, she took a sh*t and peed on me as soon as she came out lol, but she was such a sweet and smart girl from the minute I held her. She came out wanting to eat, she latched easily and was already opening her beautiful brown eyes and trying to make eye contact with me. My daughter is now 6 days old almost a week old! She's been so good, she doesn't cry a lot at all only cries when I change her diaper in guessing because her wipes are cold but other than that she never screams or crys, when she's hungry or needs to be changed she will fuss a litttle bit but she never screams! And I love it! She also smiles and giggles in her sleep already lol so clearly I have a really happy baby. I love her so much never felt a love like this before. πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸ’•βœ¨ now just healing from the delivery.. I had to get two small stitches, and boy are they a pain!