Unexpected birth


I finally get to share my crazy birth story! I live in NC and was going to deliver at UNC, I was so excited about my birth plan with my doctor. I had a scheduled c section on the 8th of September at 6am. So the past couple of weeks I was trying to go into labor. Squats, sex, walking literally anything I could do! But nothing so I gave up. My husband wanted to visit his dad who lives in Columbia SC, I told him it was too risky we shouldn't but he insisted we would be fine, I said ehh.. ok I guess your right if I haven't went into labor now then I won't. Hahahaha.. yea.. so we get to his dads Friday around lunch. Feeling great had a great dinner and all. Saturday comes and I'm feeling Braxton hicks which I thought was fine because I'd been feeling them the past couple of weeks, then pressure started to hit and i was like ok this normal I had it with my son. Well.. it's about 10:20pm and we are watching a movie, got my son in bed and asleep (he's only one). I had my legs crossed and I thought I peed myself and went upstairs to pee and I sat on the toilet and water just poured out.. I was like this is not happening... and I looked into the toilet and yea.. it was happening.. I went downstairs where my husband and FIL was and I said "babe... ummm.. my water just broke" he said no it didn't.. I said yes..come look at the toilet.. and he came up to look and he was just shocked just as much as I was. Freaking out I called my MIL and she wasn't happy. She was the one who was trying to convince me to stay home. She didn't know what to do with us being 3 and half hours away, I called UNC a L&D; and they told me to go the nearest L&D.; So we load up and go.. I head off to Lexington medical center. Freaking out because nobody here knows my birth plan or history. UNC finally transfer my records and it's time for my c section. Everything turned out great. The hospital stay was great and doctors did a great job! Now.. I can't wait to see what my doctor says at my 6 week check up. And yes I've heard this plenty of times "don't you know to not travel at 38 weeks?" Yes I did know, and I'm glad I did. Point is.. everything happens for a reason! I promise!