Worst. Decision. EVER! 😩


So, I had to pay rent today, right? And my happy ass decides that it's a GREAT idea to walk to the office to pay it, mind you. My apartment is towards the very back of the complex. But walking is so good for you! Walking will help move things along! Right?! So. I'm getting dressed and putting on my shoes and I start feeling lightning crotch pains. I shrug it off because this has been a normal occurrence for me throughout my entire pregnancy and it only lasts a few seconds, maybe a few minutes. It's all good!

So off to the office I go. Every single time I take a step, BAM. Sharp stabbing pain in the lady parts. I'm sure you're familiar with the God awful feeling. I'm wincing and grabbing at my lady parts to try to make it stop (like that's gonna help. No, it's just gonna get you weird looks. Stop it.) but I didn't stop. Every time I felt the pains, I grabbed the lady parts. I literally gave zero fucks. It. Never. Stopped. I started holding my tummy at one point too, like that was gonna make it stop. Nothing made it stop. I stopped and sat on a ledge just to give my poor lady parts a break. I thought, okay, when I stand up, it'll be gone, right? That's the way it always works. Welp, I couldn't have been more wrong. As soon as I took a step on my right foot, BAM. Sharp stabbing pains.

That was the absolute worst decision I've ever made. Soooo painful. Now I'm laying on the couch afraid to move because of the fear of the dreaded lightning crotch returning. This was lightning crotch intensified. Lightning crotch on steroids. I've NEVER felt it this bad before. Now my lower abdomen is aching. Tip: when in doubt, DON'T WALK. I swear, pregnant women should be given free wheelchairs. Or scooters.