Guess I'm out this month 😞

Leanna • Girl Mom ❤️ Isabelle Jade 7-9-14 Olivia Skye 8-24-18 ❤️ wife of a drummer and engineer 🎼🥁 7 years and counting..

Pretty sure Af is here to stay. We've been trying since July. Had a good feeling about this month too. More prego symptoms and no normal period symptoms. But normally when I wake up and start (tmi!) it fills the bowl and it didn't this morning, I just wiped light pink. That's the only thing different this time and going to see what happens later on but pretty sure this is it. Guess the universe knows how much I want a winter baby! Going to stop trying and start preventing the next few months to avoid a summer baby as I already have one and didn't like giving birth in the summer! Baby dust to all and hope you girls get some bfp's while I'm waiting til December to try again! Good luck ladies! 🤞🏻for you all ❤️