Well I'm dating a freakin narcissist! Yay me! IM DONE.


I've been dating this guy for three months now. In the beginning he was super sweet and caring, but as soon as we were officially a couple he became a different person.

At first it started with him having to be right all the time, starting little fights over opinions or what seemed like nothing, so I would just shrug it off and let him win. (I'm an older sister, I put up with this my whole childhood😂) but this should've been a warning sign right there! But my dumb ass let it slide.

Now it's full blown narcissism and I am torn between leaving and roughing it out for awhile longer to see if he will change. Everything he does or says is out of spite or jealousy now.

He will come stay at my place for days on end and won't let me out of his sight almost the entire time. If I have to get up to go to the bathroom it's "where are you going?" One time he actually tried to follow me!! .. I live with my mom and I will go out to to the kitchen and talk to her, he will follow and if he decides to stay back he will sit in the hall and listen word for word!! then ask me about the convo when I get back! He won't even let me out of bed until he's ready to get up. And he sleeps all fucking day!

Just the other night I was cuddling with my cat Oliver and this asshole had the nerve to HIT my cat (MY BABY!!) because he was jealous of the attention I was giving him. I went absolutely ballistic!!! You do NOT touch my fucking baby.

There's soooooo much more to tell that doesn't even break the surface, but my phone is dying so I shall end my rant!!

EDIT/add on: Last night I decided to open a bottle of wine and paint my nails. He basically called me an alcoholic!! I drink maybe once every couple of months!!! He doesn't like to drink so he gets pissy when I do!