Letrozole (aka Femara) help please


I'm 36 TTC for 3(almost 4) years. Tried clomid for 10 months (chemical pregnancy only). Diagnostic Laparoscopy showed a small spot of endometriosis (can't remove due to where it is). ObGyn says hubs sample tested exactly within normal range. My ovaries are preforming like a 30 year old. Uterus is super tipped (like none she's ever seen) but sperm is microscopic and it should not have a problem. Inflammation may be what is preventing pregnancy. I'm starting Letrozole my next cycle to increase my chances due to unexplained infertility.

Tell me everything you know and about your experiences.

I have 3 cycles on just this then we will attempt an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> but she said that it is possible for her to do an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> but the way I'm shaped will make it an "adventure". 😂 I love my doctor.