Found my bf's porn by accident..

I found my bf's porn by accident when he let me use his laptop, and when I was downloading something and opened the 'Downloads' file, I saw all of the porn pics that he has downloaded and saved.

I am guessing almost every guy watches porn so I didn't mind that he watched porn. The point was that a majority of it was Asian porn, and I am Asian.. Almost all of his exes were Asian as well.. He isn't Asian, and I don't know if he is dating me or found me attractive just cause I'm Asian, and if this is this some kind of 'Yellow fever' fetish??

I understand some people may have a racial preference, but a preference and a fetish are two very different things.

I don't feel like there's a point confronting him (because honestly who would admit this), but I am also feeling a bit grossed out by this possibility and I don't know what to do.. Am I being too sensitive??

Any advice would help, thank you so much for taking your time to read this and/ or comment!