Brown Discharge 2 DPO - Please Help!

Jennifer • TTC baby #1 since 09/2016. 7 IUIs, 2 IVF egg retrievals, 3 embryo transfers, 2 miscarriages. Norah Josephine born 8/9/21!

Helloooo folks!

So sometimes during my cycles, I experience brown discharge right after ovulation. It starts very light as soon as a day after ovulation and continues anywhere from two to four days. Today (2 DPO) it was fairly heavy for spotting but it's not really blood, it's like...discharge but brown.

Is this ovulation spotting you think? It's not implantation bleeding, I know - too early for that, and I've had it happen a few times at the same point, and no baby yet after almost a year. I've gotten thoroughly checked out and my uterus/ovaries/fallopian tubes and everything are healthy. Just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this and what it might've meant for you.
