
Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️

anyone else in florida or in irmas path??? i'm fuckingg scared. even more so now that i have a child and have to keep her safe .. if it were just me and my SO , we wouldn't be so worried but i'm dying inside because of this category 5!!!!!!!! from one day to the next all of the canned foods are gone, ALL of the waters are gone, the supplies are running out and it's just damn scary. my mom was lucky enough to find waters on monday before every store ran out...

my parents planned on coming to our duplex because it was a better idea than staying in their trailer but they say that our county might evacuate.. we have family in georgia and i'm hoping they want to make a drive up there to just get away from this mess.

in all honesty i just want to be able to pack all of our clothes atleast and go, everything else i don't care about...

i was literally just thinking how i feel so bad for texas ...