one of the hardest things I suffer with

I'm sure we've all felt the getting up in the morning is one of the hardest things to do specially with depression. but morning is of the absolute worst for me because I have to put on a pretty face and go see the world for most girls that I've asked doing the makeup is very relaxing but for me it's like looking at all the scars and gross Ness to cover up for the for no one to see it's kind of hard not going to lie and then getting a nice outfit well all I think about is how fat I look in that skirt or if you can she see my back rolls in this shirt head sucks because my boyfriend tells me I'm beautiful everyday but I still don't see it and it sucks because it's the start of your day how are you supposed to have a good day when all you see and do his self putting down any suggestions ladies I'm sorry for the spelling errors I might I'm pretty bad at that