Saw my little man at 28 weeks 💚

C 🖤
Been toying with the idea of paying for a private scan so we can see our little guy over the next few weeks but wasn't sure if it was worth the money since we're saving to move house etc. Good job I didn't book one!
Yesterday at my midwife appointment I measured very small and was a lot below 10th centile, and was ordered to go for an emergency scan to check that the baby was measuring ok. No complaints here! I'm very petite anyways and the women in my family have a history of not showing until the last month so I wasn't worried about his size, just quite excited to get a bonus scan! 🙈
He is absolutely fine, if not a little short on space in there! Measuring at 2lbs 6oz at 28+3. It was so incredible to see him this big- his little face was so detailed and we could see his kicks on the screen, and even got to bring home a picture of his face and little paw 😍🖐🏼
So! Not recommending getting a little scare and having to visit the hospital for an emergency scan but if you're considering paying for a scan then I'd definitely recommend it 💚