Where is my period or my baby


Hey ladies!!!!

So we are currently TTC kinda sorta. It's like we are but we aren't, if it happens yay if it doesn't it's ok...well...at least that's in my husbands mind. Me on the other hand I REALLY want another baby. One so we can have our two and be done. And then two because I want another baby. Lol.


So I'm a little emotional. I am currently 12days late. I've taken 3 or 4 hpt and they are all negative. I feel like my period is coming I have been feeling that way for a few days. But no spotting no blood. Just lower back pain and a lot of discharge. Now I'm at the point where I'm like ok either period come on down or pregnancy tests get it together. Has anyone else had this happen to them? I have an appointment Friday but I just want to prepare myself in case it comes tomorrow and then I'm totally an emotional wreck.

:::mama is freaking out here:::