Am I the only one that thinks it's stupid?

When women have a baby and then right when they're born dress them all up like they are going somewhere? I'm not trying to be rude but I mean come on, the baby was JUST born. My son had on a onesie(have no idea how you spell that😂) some socks and a hat. But I've seen people put full on jeans and button ups, just for the stay in the hospital. Then I have a friend who put a onesie dress on her daughter that has a giant tutu (literally the size of the child) on her with a huge bow. I don't understand why some don't think "hmmm if I were her/him would this feel comfortable to me?" I wanted my son in clothes as comfortable as possible for the first month, then I did start dressing him up. but some of the outfits are outrageous and the money that is spent on those outfits are outrageous.🤦🏻‍♀️

And before anybody gets defensive this is just MY opinion. I'm not talking about the people that do it just for pictures either.