Fertility friend settings?


For you professionals that use fertility friend I just started temping this month since I have had enough of it predicting my fertile days and o days and being unsuccessful!

Last month I ovulated late and I use opks but stopped three days before I'm guessing according to the app I ovulated (it didn't know because I was 6 days late and it guesstimated) this month I got positive opks five to six days before the predicted date. Weird.

This month I tracked my temp from my period start till I got the dark opk and I didn't test yesterday the opk since it started to fade but I will just In case I'm to ovulate late... not sure (any advice of when to stop testing opk) I'm just nervous I got the positive and I'll still o late or whatever.

But my question is, if I'm unsuccessful this round should I just put my settings as opk detector or the manual part? I'm going to temp since I'm not good at the cervical mucous and high cervix low cervix stuff.

I do have a upper respiratory infection that started the 4th 5th right around my ovulation positives.

1. How should I set my settings on fertility friends.

2. Based on my graph and condition did I already ovulate you think? I do have the sore boobs and cramping a little bit.

3. Should I double tap BD today?

I got positive opks on Cd 13,14.

BD on cd 11,12,13,14, today is cd 16.