Baby shower anxiety :(


I mostly just need to vent about this. I'm having my first baby in December and originally it was decided that my sister would plan my shower and I told her I wanted to have it in October to allow enough time to buy anything we still might need before the baby arrives. I wanted just one shower with both my family and my husbands family and have it be done with. But now my MIL has decided that she wants to throw a shower for my husband's (very large) family AFTER the baby is born, in January! In both my and my husbands family it's traditional to have the shower after the baby is born so everyone can see the baby but honestly there is so much stuff that a baby needs and I know that I am way too much of a planner to wait until after the baby is born to buy things.. so I know I will end up buying the things we need right away (baby monitor, breast pump, etc.) and then my MIL will be mad that we bought stuff that people probably would have given to us as gifts. I am having major anxiety about not being ready for this baby and the thought of having a shower a few weeks after the baby is born is only adding to that stress. I don't want my newborn passed around, my anxious heart couldn't take it and I wouldn't enjoy myself at all. Not to mention I won't be fully healed (and that's assuming I give birth vaginally.. never mind if I end up needing a c-section for whatever reason). And then after the shower having to unpack everything and find places for it all on top of getting used to being new parents at the same time. I know that I should just be grateful that anyone wants to throw me a shower at all but the anxiety of it all is driving me insane. Not to mention hormones. So many hormones. End rant.