Really going through it today. I'm sorry for the rant


Today has been an emotional roller coaster. All the pent up feelings from the past year TTC have come flooding all at once. My husband and I have been trying for well over a year, and just met with a fertility specialist. I'm late, but not pregnant because apparently I quit ovulating for some reason and clomid isn't working. We didn't tell anyone we were trying for so long because we didn't want to let anyone down so no one really knows. My mother told me to give up and just get another dog. She said I was too fat to carry a child anyway. Everyone around me is getting pregnant. I am happy for them, but so jealous at the same time. My husband and i got married almost a year ago, and everyone keeps asking when we are going to have little ones! Sometimes I just want to yell. "It's not like we haven't tried buddy!" But I just smile and say someday. This is so hard and so frustrating. And my husband tries to be understanding but he's confused why his friends have no problems having children and we do. I'm rambling I know. We keep praying, waiting for the day when the BFP will show up. But I'm not ovulating. I have symptoms like I'm going to start and no AF. I guess that's why my emotions are so heightened today. I cried in the car for thirty minutes because a commercial came of for a baby store sale. I guess I just needed to vent, to others who are going thru the same. Or have gone thru it. Thanks for your time. And good luck to you all on your journey. May God bless you with your sweet miracle soon!!