Swallow tooth paste and die

I was such a weird kid

I think I had problems like looking back I was high strung and FULL of anxiety 😂

When I was learning to brush my teeth my mom would tell me "don't swallow the tooth paste" and never said why. So i thought that if I swallowed the tooth paste I would die.

I don't know what I was doing, i was up late one night I brushed my teeth.

I swallowed the tooth paste on accident. I stood there staring at myself in the mirror. I REMEMBER MY THOUGHTS.

"What did I do. I'm gonna die. This is the last night of my life"

so I start panicking and screaming, flailing my arms everywhere. My screams panicked my mom out of her sleep and she was like "WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED"

And I just said "IM DYYYYYYING"

And I seriously thought I was dying, I fell into the floor all dramatic. I got up and then Tripped over my own feet and screamed "IM DEAD IM DEAD"

And my mom is like "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT"


And my mom was like

And then she had the most annoyed look on her face and said "oh my god Abby. You won't die from tooth paste. Oh my god. I'm going back to bed"

And I just sat in the floor and thought "I'm an idiot"

I was 6

I just felt like sharing it because my mom reminded me of it today and laughed so hard my drink almost came out of my nose

I thought everything could kill me. I don't know why lol