Anxiety Tips🌸😌


Here are some things I do to try and ease anxiety and deal with attacks, hope they can help you too.

I talk to myself and work things out. I ask myself how I am feeling. Is it an angry anxious? Sad anxious? Nervous? Next thing I do is ask why I am feeling that way. Did someone tell me something? Do I feel like I messed something up? I just try and pin point possible causes. After, I ask myself is there anything I can do to help myself feel better or fix this? I keep going on like this and breaking things up into lots of questions. This helps me unmap an otherwise really complicated set of emotions and thoughts. Sometimes I have a mind block and can't really think while undergoing anxiety, in this case I ask yes or no questions which are a little bit easier to handle. If it is an anxiety with no clear cause I try and remind myself that it will pass and I find something that offers me comfort. It is okay to have comfort objects. A certain necklace, sweater, toy or anything really.

If I can feel an anxiety attack may come then I try to decide how I want to deal with it. Sometimes I want to lay still in bed and just listen to music. Sometimes I want silence. Sometimes I want to make sure somebody is there with me. It is hard to be proactive with anxiety, as attacks and anxious emotions may come without warning. So I always just try my best to be as prepared as possible. I require an inhaler and I make sure that's with me all the time, even when I'm in a great mood and the pollen count is low 😁 I make sure to keep it handy. Someone else being "prepared" may be them taking their comfort object around with them.