Turning a baby🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Girls I need alil advice, so our babyboy 💙💙has been transverse for awhile now well my last apt it was on a Monday he was still transverse the dry next day at a growth scan he was head down with in 24hrs I'm sooo scared he turned back lol my ob says don't worry if he at 37weeks I will attempt to turn him😩😩😩😩I'm so scared I know I'll have an epidural while he does this but I'm 33weeks today. I'm praying he did turn but then there's days I wake up saying leave him alone and let him lay as he wants lol would you have this done ladies your dr attempting to turn him and if so how many weeks would you allow this?sometimes I say is this selfish of me just to avoid a c section? My ob did say if it was successful he'd induce me so he doesn't flip back but I need your advice .