Should my brother shift his wedding around my due date?


My brother was planning on proposing to his on/off gf soon; nothing has been booked for the wedding yet but he wants it to be June 2018. I live several hours away from my family and friends and am due May 18th, 2018. I wouldn't be able to attend the wedding. My brother seems to be, in my opinion, getting married for attention and a party (he's said to our family that he hates his gf, that she's fat, and not good enough but now she has a better paying job and insurance and he's 😍 but whatever. I try not to think about it because he doesn't listen and it's not my life.). I'm the oldest and this would be the first grandchild. So, what I'm saying is, should I warn my bro that my baby will possibly steal his very sought-after thunder if he doesn't move the date? Should I tell him I'm pregnant soon so he doesn't book anything too soon?

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