Unimportant... 😞

I'm getting real sick of my husband not helping me and putting our animals before me. I do have insurance through my dad, but it won't help pay till I pay $500 first. I have a crappy little $8 an hour job that I only get about 50 hours per 2 weeks for. I only bring home about $300. I have to pay for my phone, gas, I am in charge of paying for all holiday gifts (even for his family) and paying for our pets. I'm normally fine with this and pay a bill or 2 when I can. But lately he has been taking our animals the the vet a lot and buying himself a ton of stuff and will not help me pay to go to the doctor. I haven't had a period in 5 months. I use to be really regular and all of a sudden just stopped having them. Not pregnant, not on birth control or anything. I really need to be seen, but he keeps taking the animals to the vet instead. It makes me feel like he cares about them and their health than he does me and mine. I now have to wait another month to go in. He also hasn't put me on his insurance yet saying we have to wait till November which I know is bullshit. And yes I have been trying to get a better job that pays more so I can take myself, but haven't had any luck in the half a year I have been trying. I just don't know what to do. My doctor also doesn't do payment plans or anything. I also need to have my wisdom teeth pulled, I have a huge hole in my cheek where one has busted through it and it gives me bad headaches and stuff and I need to see the eye doctor for new glasses....