A little rant😂


Okay I live in a very small town to where my school is pre-k through 12 so I've known my boyfriend pretty much my whole life. We got together end of our freshman year and now we're juniors❤️ but before he got with me he told one of his exs I was his cousin😑 NO I'm not his actual cousin ok, but anyways he said he told her that to save our friendship because we were best friends and we were the kind of best friends that would flirt with each other all the time. So he told her that and it kinda bugged me. He said "I told her were cousins because I wanted to still be friends with you" I just told him why did it matter she barely came to this in 8th grade she knows nothing about you and she knows we've always been best friends, for gosh sakes she thought me and his were together when she fist got there. I'm sorry I felt like ranting and I had nowhere else to do it😂