So confused


I had a cycle from May 6 to May 30 (24 days). My next cycle was May 30 to June 24 (25 days). The next cycle was June 24 to July 19 (25 days). After that it was July 29 to August 11 (23 days), which was shorter and I'm not sure why. I have not had a period since and I'm on cycle day 27 and I'm late for my period. Ovia said it should have been here on Monday, but I still have not gotten it. My boobs hurt and they never usually hurt, my cervix is still very high up and it feels softer than normal. I can't really tell if it's open or closed because I don't know what the difference would be. I'm having a little watery discharge, but nothing much. The last few days I've gotten dizzy around the same time at night. On Monday, I got super nauseous before going to bed. I've been really tired and my back is killing me. I have taken 2 tests and they both seemed negative. Let me know what you think! Thank you 😊😊