Breastfeeding cover

Shanna • Huge family.
My son has always posed like this to breastfeed... I think he's Providing a cover.
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My son is always flipping me off when he eats. Idk why, but every single time he lets it fly. Lol 


Shanna • Apr 16, 2015
That's too funny.


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My daughter will do that too, except she will leave her pinky up.  I'll always say "pinkies up while we drink milk!"


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Awee, how sweet. My son is four months old. He's recently begun getting distracted by anything and everything while he's nursing so I thought I might try using the burp rag to cover him and see how he did (at home-just in case I wanted to cover while we are out of the house). Anyway, we also recently started playing peek a boo with rags and blankets. He thought I was playing peek a boo and just moved it off of him and gave me the biggest grin...


Shanna • Apr 16, 2015
How sweet. I remember my last son that breastfed about 14 months, would always reach up and play with my ears while nursing. He would also stick his hand in my mouth and I would pretend to gobble on it and he would laugh and let milk run out of his mouth.


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So adorable


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My son does that sometimes, too! It's so cute.