Unusual weight gain trend...What was yours like?


When I first got pregnant (FTM), I started to put on weight pretty fast; I've gained 10-12 lbs by the end of 1st-tri while most of the ladies here were losing or keeping their weight as it is. By the end of 2nd-tri, I have gained another 10-12 lbs and noticed that other Oct-moms started to gain some as well but not as much as I did, thinking that it is maybe related to my pre-diabetes... BUT when we got to the 3rd-tri, my weight gain really slowed down- exactly opposite of what most of the drs, moms and researches say - and so far by week 33 I have just gained another 3lbs. I have been eating very healthy since Day-1 even managed to stay away my life-long guilty pleasure potato chips. Besides up until having a pretty bad had injury at week 29th, I was hitting gym twice a week regularly. I started with 132lbs and now I am 159. After all I think I've gained pretty much everybody else or maybe a little above than average but apparently all that: You will gain 5 lbs a week when you hit 3rd trimester! threats don't apply to everybody. We all have different metabolisms and bodies that reacts in different ways. I wish people be more cautious when they are sharing their experiences and before scaring others.