My weight does not define my worth.

I am obese, I know this. I at one point was working on losing weight because you kept pointing out to me how I am fat, and in order to keep my husband around and interested I needed to shed some pounds. I worked my ass off and I lost 100lbs. I went from 350 to 240lbs. I worked and struggled so hard with who I was because in your eyes I was never good enough. I reached a point in my life where I was extremely stressed out so I put on 45lbs and ended back up to 285. I hope you know that I sobbed. All that hard work for what? To pack it back on in a matter of a month or two? You made comments about how you knew I would give up and quit working out, eating healthy, caring about myself. In all honesty the only thing I had changed was my eating habits.. I still worked out, I still cared about myself. You shamed me so much that I started to try to lose weight again, but I found out that I was pregnant. Do you that even though I was excited about this baby, it was also met with resentment because I knew I would put on weight? Because with my first I put on 50lbs.. I've already put on 15lbs and you've made comments that its the way I'm eating. I only eat once a day. Its all I can stomach. I love you mom, but my value is not determined by how much I weigh. My husband loves me. When I lose weight this time it will be for me, not for you.