

It was quite a journey. I found my BFP on 7/1/17 after TTC for a year. I can't believe it. I was holding on to my feelings till I got the blood work result. So happy. I changed my status to prego. Who knows, my very first doc visit, doctor can't find the heart beats and informed me the baby stopped at 6 weeks 2 days. I was crying while I was still lying there staring at the ultrasound monitor.

I know anything can happen during the pregnancy, heard a lot this and that. But I thought everything will be ok. It is not.

It was a rollercoaster feeling, up and down. Tear and sadness are the ones with me during this time. After I had another doctor visit, confirmed this it. I scheduled D&C; for 8/21/17.

When I changed my status back on glow to TTC, I cried. I thought I am a strong person, but I can't put myself together. I am glad I have a supportive husband and family. Now I am getting better and better. I don't cry when I see baby stuff any more.

What is funny and weird is: all of sudden people around me( at work) are all due this month-September. It is never like this before. That is a torture for me during my healing time. I am happy for them, but I feel very sad for what happened to mine. Hope you ladies won't have to go through this part.

Now it has been over 2 weeks since my surgery, I am still recovering. It takes time to get well. We may not see it or feel it. I don't want to rush to another pregnancy when my body is not ready. It requires a strong body to carry a healthy baby.

Good luck, to me and to everyone.