I don't know what to do

(Posted here because abortion support never gets comments) I'm 18. I gotten pregnant and decided abortion was best for me. It cost over $400 and the further along you are the more it costs. I told my boyfriend I needed money for the abortion at 5 weeks and he's only given me a hundred, I told my mom and she going to try and help and she called my dad to ask for $100 but I don't even want to ask my dad for money he's helped a lot with so much I hate to take even more money from him. Today I texted my boyfriend asking to get another $150 and he completely lashed out on me. I lost my job and can't pay rent I got an eviction notice yesterday and I have until the 15th to leave. I can't do this. I literally have $8 in my bank account and i can't even spend that. My threshold is $100 so I own $25 to the bank. It has never been so hard. I don't know what to do. (I needed to vent) Update: we used condoms and I was on BC