Vet laughed at me. 😂


I was at the vet with my dog yesterday and he knows me and my animals well. He knows how much I love my animals and how well I take care of them. They are my babies, even if sometimes I can't always afford all their treatments he knows I do everything I can. My husband was there with me and in the middle of my dogs exam I hear this tiny little meow. I kid you not I stopped mid sentence and looked like this. The guy in blue was my husband face lol.

THEY HAVE KITTENS!!!!!!! I was instantly like

My husband was like

My vet immediatly started trying to talk me into taking 1 or all 3 of them home! If course I was like

while also begging my husband

who was like

Long story short, we didn't get a kitten

But I take my puppy back tomorrow and I think I will just secretly bring one home to add to our 5 animals. My vet laughed at me the entire time 😂. He knows my weaknesses!!!