I have a scar

Amber • Dog Mom , pet groomer #lesbianlove 🏳️‍🌈 future pastry chef

If some of you look at my phot that I just posted moments ago if after my workout you may notice a huge indented scar on my stomach , I posted that pic because I feel self conscious about it and my weight I want to learn to love my body and everyone's is different .

I was very sick as a baby both my mother and I nearly died.. I was born with bleeds in my brain which caused my epilepsy , I also could not go #2 properly.. it would come out through my stomach . I know .. I know that's kinda tmi but that's what happened. I had to go through 3 surgeries to get it fixed due to the face the first two did not work. That's removed part of my intestines ,(gull bladder and appended ) while they were fixing the problem.

My parents went through so much to have me and later were told I may not survive and if I did I would basically be a vegetable, unable to walk, talk or doing anything period! I beat every single one of those odds! I don't feel special or more important nothing like that but I am a survivor and so is my mother!

Every time I wear a bikini I feel self conscious because of my scar, ppl always stare at me or ask " how did you get that " "whoa you have huge scar" .. thanks genius like I never noticed! " why is it indented " just ... stop ppl ! It's so annoying sometimes, I don't mind a see how I got it but I'm not always in the mood to answer , I just want to go hangout with friends and family not be interrogated like a criminal. I don't know why it's indented it just is , if you want to know go ask my doctors...

My family and friends tell me not feel self conscious about it but how can I not when others look at me and gasp in shock.. some people are just so dramatic..