Anybody experience levels crashing?


I went to L&D; for this because my husband was leaving for the field and I was nervous about being alone. I'm 36+2 now and over the last two weeks my glucose levels have been dropping really low. I first noticed it when I took my blood sugar after breakfast (30 min late). It had been 2.5 hrs and it read 169....then about an hour later I started feeling really bad...dizzy, body shakes, blurred vision, headache. So I checked my levels again and it crashed to a 37. I drank some juice and ate a few sour patch kids...then went to Olive Garden. Since then, my levels have occasionally been dropping to 40-50 although I now know what it feels like and catch it before I feel like I'm on the verge of passing out. I'm not on medication...just diet control. The doc was in the room with me for maybe 5 min while I explained and all she said was drink a glass of milk if you start feeling bad. Then she left. In her defense, someone was in labor and there was only two l&d; docs on duty. But dang. Who's gonna get me milk when I slip into a coma at night alone??? Anybody else experienced this and what did your doctor do about it?