Who has time for a long story ?


Si my boyfriend and I meet when I was on a 6 month vacation in Israel, btw I'm from Mexico City, I ended up staying in Israel for him cause I lived him and couldn't imagine my life without him anymore.

The cultural differences was the hardest part him being Jewish his beliefs and me being Christian, but somehow we managed it to make it work and after two years I found out I was pregnant with twin girls, everything was going ok but then at 23 weeks we found out my cervix was very short just 9 mm in Israel they gave me cero hope for my babies they even told me to consider an abortion, I already had a belly!

So I took the risk and came back home, 21 very long hours passed sitting on an airplane terrified to pee or move, but I made it home... the day after I went straight to the hospital where I stayed for a whole month my boyfriend by my side all that month, i got trombosis because the lack of movement so I had to get a cirgury an a filter on near my heart so it wouldn't go to my heart lungs or brain, I also got a cerclage on so my cervix would last longer, after this month I was sent home on my 28 week, still on bed rest, my relationship has gone to ok,not ok, bad, very bad.

So he decided to go back to Israel it breaks my heart to think he will miss the birth of his two daughters that we fought so much to keep, he would not talk to me but I saw he rented an aparment on airbnb because we have the same account in both of our phones, for this next 3 days that he still has left. I'm feeling very sad and heartbroken about all this I also feel very lonely because I truly don't have anyone but him, I guess I just needed to tell my story and get a little bit support from other people, also writing makes me feel a bit better.
