low platelets and C-section


I'm 35 weeks with mo/di twins and have low platelets, on Monday my count was 77k. was told by my OB, I can't have a spinal if my platelets are below 100k, they won't do an epidural for a C-section and they won't let me try vaginal with mo/di twins. I can get an epidural if my platelets are 80k. I'd get a platelet transfusion if my platelets are below 50k when I go either to scheduled C-section or into labor. I saw a hemotologist and we are developing a plan, but need to wait until Monday to do blood work and see where platelet count is (treatment option is to start Prednisone)

my OB has told me I will be put under general anesthesia if my platelets aren't where they need to be.

I'm having a hard time with this... I'm already in a predicament where I can't have the delivery I want (vaginal), now I'm facing the possibility of not being awake/present for the delivery of my twins. wondering if any other C-section mom was put under for the delivery, how you felt about it before and after, if you feel like you missed out on this one in a lifetime experience.