Trying with thyroid problems and celiac disease


I'm a few days new to this app so don't mind my terrible verbiage.

My husband and I (both 30) are TTC but I have a lot of health problems. Ive had thyroid cancer so am only working with 1/2 a thyroid. I also have Celiac Disease. My body has a hard time absorbing nutrients from the damage of having celiac for a year without knowing. I have very low iron and omegas and am on supplements but am scared how things will go trying to get pregnant and keeping it!

I sob every time I get my period, so angry with my body never giving me a break. If anybody has anything relatable and has any suggestions, I'm open for any input.

My husband also travels for work so is never home during the weeks I wish he was so as much as timing is everything, I'm hoping we can figure out something!

I'm feeling better reading about everybody else's experiences since my FB newsfeed is full of pregnancy announcements! It's nice to see everybody supporting everybody else. Xo all the love xo