

I had my IUD (Paragard) put in last week and it was extremely painful. I haven't had kids, but I imagine what I experienced is similar to a contraction. I was sobbing and they kept me longer to make sure I had calmed down.

I was PMSing when my doctor put me in and I am notoriously sensitive and moody starting exactly a week before I get my period.

I've had really bad cramps since I got this put in. They're So bad, I have to lay in the fetal position or bend over (luckily I live in NYC and doing that in public isn't "weird") until it goes away. The pain starts around my ovaries and shoots down my leg.

I don't think I have an infection. No fever, just extreme pain. Advil only lasts so long and a hot water bottle hasn't done much.

Has anybody else experienced this? If so, does it ever get better? Because I'm regretting doing this.