Would you block ur best friend if she did this too?

Last night me my best friend, her boyfriend, and this guy I was interested in were all hanging out. I'm fresh out of a bad break up and I had interest in this guy and my best friend was strongly encouraging me to hangout with him and move on. So the guy comes and we all drink and get drunk. Then my best friend takes my phone and starts texting my guy on it saying we should leave so us 3 ditching her boyfriend. Then my best friend and the guy who came for me left and started making out while I was waiting in the car!! But I didn't know until a couple hours later when I say him grabbing her ass and I was like wtf!! And yes she has a boyfriend of almost 2 years and she's blaming it on being fucked up. But I really just wanna block her for going after a guy I liked trying to move on from my x and meanwhile she has a boyfriend!