Holistic ways to boost fertility


Hi friends!

My husband and I have officially been TTC for 1 year. We have had 2 early on miscarriages and are doing plenty of BD (practice makes perfect). I had an appt with my obgyn today to ask about test and to know what our options are. I've had blood work done and everything has come back normal. My husband is going in for his testing soon. My obgyn told me that if my husband's tests come back normal, my options are HSG, Clomid, or <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. I lead a pretty crunchy lifestyle and have decided not to take medications or hormone injections (I've posted this thread in the holistic room already and am looking for additional input). I am seeing an acupuncturist and am taking Chinese herbs along with prenatals & dha.

My question is, do you know of any natural ways to boost fertility?

Thanks in advance for your help! 🙇‍♀️