Step mom struggles please help!

I have a 4yo SD who hates me!! She is super sweet in front of other people but as soon as we are alone( which is daily bc I'm a SAHM) she throws major fits. She used to bite, hit, kick and scratch me and we worked through it so she understands it's not ok to hurt me but now she scratches herself and throws up any time she doesn't get her way! I understand divorce is hard on little ones but it's been two years with some progress since she has been in my care.. She also sees her mom every other weekend and twice on week nights so I guess I was hoping to see more hope and progress by now. It's really starting to get to me bc I'm 19 weeks pregnant and am having a hard time getting excited about a new baby when I don't know what to do about a little one I already have! Please any positive advice is greatly appreciated
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DEFINITELY seek a counselor or therapist. I cannot tell you how important that is. My parents got divorced when I was 4 years old and my dad got remarried when I was 5. My mom and dad did not get along at all and my mom really did not like my step mom. Not to get all into my life because of course it's different for everyone, but going to group therapy when I was younger made a huge difference. You will be doing yourself a favor, your step child, and your almost baby! I hope things get better soon and you find someone that really helps❤️❤️❤️


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I'm a stepmom to a one year old, and while we haven't had any issues with him yet, I am sure the day will come. Bio mom is extremely angry about my husband's remarriage and will likely be negative toward me.Try finding a play or art therapist in your area. Younger children do better with this than "talk" therapy and having an outlet to express herself will help. Eventually, thetherapist should   bring you and your husband in yo work on those relationships as well. 


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I'm not a mom but I am pregnant so I'm hoping this is good advice. I would try to change things up. By doing things special just with her. Like getting your nails painted or go out to eat at a place she really likes. Trying to do things that she finds fun so that you two can start bonding in a more positive way. Maybe even go to the zoo or play games. Best of luck :)


Crystal • Apr 16, 2015
That's good advise I'm not a mom yet either but that's exactly what I was thinking ... Unless she already does do all that.


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It sounds like you guys need some outside help. Maybe try googling some family councillors that work with toddlers and see if there's someone in your area who can help you.