Breech baby: ADVICE PLEASE!


Hi ladies, need some advice asap!

My baby has been head down from 27 weeks but on Thursday decided to turn into breech position (I'm 36 weeks tomorrow). I had my tummy checked yesterday by two midwifes, one of which was certain he was breech and the other who said she wasn't sure & that it was hard to tell. I can feel it in myself that he's definitely breech as I've been getting kicks right down below. My problem is... around half hour ago I had some blood in my discharge which was a brown/pink colour (sorry tmi) was only a tiny bit and it's my second child so I know it's part of the show. Should I ring up the midwife and explain to her or just see how it goes? She has told me due to being breech I'm not gonna be aware of if labour is starting 😫 I'm so confused!