Getting fit while TTC


So, my SO and I got married two years ago next month. In that two years I have managed to gain over 60 pounds. I hate to even admit that!! I know the cause he been stress of circumstances outside my control (my hubby's ex wife died two days before our wedding and we gained full custody of his two children immediately and unexpectedly). While I consider it a blessing, at the same time I am a complete stress eater. I also work for my company from home, so I am in my house almost 24/7. Sounds great, but didn't realize how much I would miss going to the office. We recently decided to TTC, but I know I must get my weight back under control!! When I've lost in the past, I stick to a strict calorie restrictive diet, eat what I want but stop once I've reached my daily calories. I've decided that tomorrow will be the day I start back walking at the track!! Anyone have any suggestions to help this girl out?? I've got to get myself right to have a baby!!