Embarrassing confession of a mom to a 3 month old

I'll start by saying my LO hates to ride in the car seat so we rarely leave the house. Well today I was like ok let's try a trip to the baby store. I feed my LO and we head out. I live 45 minutes from the nearest baby store. On the way their my LO sleeps ... we get in the store and baby is sleeping so peacefully... I'm like YES!! This is going to be a good trip.. I'm walking around the store all excited to get to take my time and BAM all of a sudden I have to go to the bathroom so bad ( #2). I try to hold it because I know it will wake baby! Well after a few minutes it's clear momma has to go so here we go. Luckily no one was in the bathroom so I did my business and as embarrassing as it is I didn't flush 😷 I know I know. Terrible, nasty & just plain gross but y'all there was no way I was chancing waking up my LO. Sorry to whomever found it. Struggles of life with a newborn.