
I went to the midwife on Thursday (7th Sept) & she thinks my baby's breech, I'm 35 Weeks, they only give you till 36 Weeks here in the U.K. For your baby's to engage. I'm going back on Monday for a scan to see what position she is in, I've been told if she is breech they will offer to turn her, but if that's not successful I will get booked for a C-Section! But now I've saw there can be complications with them trying to turn baby's and sometimes can bring on early labour , but at the same time I don't want a C-Section 😓! I've bought a birthing ball today as I have read that can help the baby to go heads down, has anyone been in the same position? What happened? What did you choose to do? I'm trying to decide what is best for her I wouldn't like to cause her any harm in being turned just because I don't want a C-Section so if any of you lovley mummy's could give me stories about your experiences that would help me a lot!

Also just post a pic of my bump Cus I love it 😍🙊! Feel free to post pics of yours too 💜💜