Under Weight


Alright guys, how do you get your little ones to eat and drink?! She fluctuates between 16.8 lbs and 17.2 lbs and her doc is needing us to get her up to 18 lbs within the next couple of weeks. I offer lots of food and fluid through out the day but she only nibbles and will get like 600- maybe 800 calories a day if I'm lucky! She's had like a 1000 calories within 24hrs like one or two times! Its very frustrating! I feel like its impossible to get her to drink anything either! she has plenty of wet diapers is super smart and advanced in every other area I just don't know what Im suposed to do to get her to comsume more! We just switched to cows milk and hoped that would help because we thought maybe she just really didnt like formula anymore (and who could blame her right?!) but she'll still only drink about 2 - 3 ounces like every 4 hrs... any advice is helpful! Its so frustrating!