Hospital visit!

Lyndsay • 💚💙👶🏼 Trey Lee 9.19.17

So I'm a little irritated I won't lie.. I had to call my doctor yesterday after hours and I was advised to go into labor and delivery. I've was leaking fluid and my back hurt SO BAD. I was so sure that I was in labor or that I would be soon at least...

I got there and everything with Trey was perfect, his heart rate was fluctuating and he was moving around constantly. And I was even contracting!! They tested the fluid and found out it was not my water breaking.. this is where it gets frustrating. They tested my urine and it came back positive for a bladder infection, and my nurse said that it is a pretty bad one.

So now I'm on antibiotics for the next five days trying to get as happy and healthy as my baby boy.. I got home and looked through my lab work from my ob's office AND I HAVE BEEN TESTING POSITIVE FOR THIS SINCE THE VERY FIRST LAB. I have had pretty severe back pain and honestly no other symptom until I started leaking yesterday. I had told my doctor about it and my lab results were never brought up she always just said it was common in pregnancy... so this whole thing could have been avoided, my back pain included. 😩😩😩 okay I'm sorry about the long post, I just really needed to rant about this! I've loved my doctor up until this point which is 36 weeks and 2 days.. so it's too late to switch and I don't really see a point with only 3 weeks left till my due date...

But I hope the rest of you mommas are doing good! 💕