I need advice update

Okay, so a couple of months ago I posted this really dumb thing about how I was going into the eighth grade and I was going to suck a lot of dick and screw a lot of guys to gain popularity, a man, and friends. This is an update on that post that I've since deleted. I got a lot of great advice from a lot of nice people and I did some research and then I went into the eighth grade with an informed opinion on my mind. The people I hung out with last year who pressured me into doing those things are no longer my friends. All they did on the first day of school was talk about who they screwed over the break. I was very uncomfortable with it and once I realized that, I made some changes. It is know about to be the sixth week of school, my grades have gone way up, I've stopped talking to the people who were terrible influences on me, my mental health is slightly improved, and I've found I new group of friends who love me for who I am. I do not want to "hop on the dick train" anymore until I'm a lot older. I've also found god, who I firmly believe has guided me to this choice. Just for anyone who was worried about me, I'm better now.