Is this my period ?


On 8/9 I had a d&c; for a missed miscarriage. I should of been 11 weeks. I basically miscarried at 8 weeks. So on 8/29 I got a blood test my level was at 76, on 8/31 I was at 45. That's a big drop in 48 hours. So I'm assuming I wouldn't went to 0 within the next 2-3 days. So on 9/7 my level was at 15. And today 9/10 I had sex and when I peed the cum and discharge whatever was bloody. So I went to the bathroom after and when I peed a few drops of blood came out. And now again when I pee some blood comes out thin blood when I wipe it's just like pink. I don't need to wear a pad or use a tampon cause it's only when I pee. Is this my period ? Should I have ovulated before my period? I've been having sex almost every day since surgery I was hoping to get pregnant before I got my period.