Incomplete Miscarriage?



I am 31 y/o, been diagnosed with PCOS and have been ttc'ing for the past 11 mo's.

After 6 months with no period, my doc decided I should take Provera to try to induce bleeding-I took it for 10 days, but no period. I did, however, start experiencing severe cramps, went to the ER and they found a cyst in my left ovary.

The doc in the ER wanted me to follow up w/ my obgyn-she was fully booked so I got an appt with another obgyn at that facility. He said either keep taking pain killers (vicadin), or I can choose to go thru surgery. I went with pain killers.

When I wrote him bout my sore boobs, he asked me to take a home pregnancy test and report back with results-it came back positive. A blood work confirmed. He asked me to go to the ER again to rule out an ectopic pregnancy, so I did. In the ER, they said I am 6w 4d intrauterine pregnancy, showed us the yolk sac and in it what will grow to be the placenta, and told us its an incomplete miscarriage (reminding you, I havent shed a drop of blood since late Feb).

Was wondering if anyone else went thru something similar or perhaps can shed some light as to why u think they decided its a miscarriage?

Thank you,
