Rainbow on a train ❤


Sitting on a train and I see two beautiful rainbows; 1 faded and 1 not, in a stormy sky. I wondered if this was a sign for all of us ttc and for all of the other strong couples out there who have struggled from a loss due to miscarriage. I took this as a sign whilst sitting on a trian, I wondered if this now is our turn on our ttc journey- I imagined a baby at the end of the rainbow, handed to us by a stork- my little girl or boy bundled in a blanket looking so comfy. I never worried about the stormy sky as I was mesmerised, it showed our struggles off all the ttc stories- as I to have had a suspected miscarriaged a couple of Christmases ago. My sister now is expecting a baby on christmas day! How amazing isī that. The strong rainbow represented to me all the rainbow babies to be and to be kept and this also represented to me  sadly lost, due to miscarriage . The faded rainbow to me showed all the rainbow babies to be and all none

rainbow babies to come- I was drawn to the rainbow as I went down the track and I was only deliated to see the rainbow still when I got back home to, as to me this showed ; it is meant to me. Good luck and baby dust to you all. We are special and we are woman, even if it does take longer. 💕🌈🌈