Bright red bleeding after sex

Ashley • Pregnant with child #4 after 16 months of unexplained infertility. Just trying to look towards the future. 💋💍🥀🌮🍕🍻🍾 I love my 3 children, MTV's The Challenge & Greys Anatomy!s

So a few months ago, maybe 6 months. I'd have to check. Every time i would have sex, I would bleed. Bright red. Enough to have to put a tampon in. It was bright red when I wiped & deep red in color when I would use the restroom.

I went into the OB and they could not find anything that was wrong.

It last a month or so. I only bled after sex.

It stopped on its own.

Well today I was spotting just slightly. Brown mostly. I have CD 14, and am testing high on opks and expect to ovulate today or by Tuesday.

I had sex with my husband & had some blood but not much.

An hour or more later I just gushed. Got it on my white couch, and had to put a tampon in & everything!

I'm not concerned but more curious if anyone else has had this!