Still upset


I found out I was pregnant April 27, 2017 with our second child. I was cramping really bad and went to the emergency room. They confirmed I was pregnant but the hormone was only 43 when it was supposed to be in the 600-1000. I went to my OB a couple of days later and they checked my blood. They said my hormone was going up and they were going to keep an eye on it. My hormone went up to 68. I was so happy. I woke up two mornings later to cramping and I felt liquid between my legs. I know this is gross but I stuck my hand down there and I was covered in blood. I ran to the bathroom and ask my sister who was there at the time to call my husband and Moma. We went back to the OB and they checked my blood again. They called me the next day and said I was having a miscarriage. my hormone had went down to 11. My brother and sister in law found out a week later that they are pregnant and she's doing fine but I'm still so angry sometimes and upset. I don't understand why they got a baby and I didn't. I went to their gender reveal party and she was upset because she's having a girl and she didn't want another girl. I was so upset because if I was still pregnant, I wouldn't care. I'd just be happy to have a baby. I just want to know if it's normal for me to still be upset about this. Am I crazy to still feeling that way?